Kataraeena RoskaStudent Ambassador

    Hometown: Cebu City, Philippines

    Education/Org Affiliation: Northwestern University/ Tangent Zine

    Superpower: Writing day and night like i’m running out of time!

    Why is lifting youth voice important?

    Here’s what they don’t tell you about Gen-Z:  We’ve been blessed with unfortunate timing. Covid-19 stole our eighth grade graduation and our freshman year.  After the most insane, confusing college admissions in history, FAFSA still took way too long to come out. With many of us turning 18, this country’s election year will be decided by us.

    Here’s what Gen-Z wants to tell you: We’re ready to step up. And you can only find that out by talking to us, through lifting the youth voice. Because when you find out what we have to say, you’ll be surprised to learn that the kids are more than alright.